I spend my charitable time working on organizing The Joe DiMaggio Award Gala, the annual fundraiser for Xaverian High School. Proceeds of this event are shared for the greater good of the community. The school is rooted in Brooklyn, NY, and Xaverian primarily has a strong Italian-American swing.

Aside from working with my family, The Basile Builders, I have been spending more and more time with my charities in recent years. Why? Because I read a passage from Steven Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey asks you to begin with the end in mind and suggest that you imagine a funeral. Then as you approach the coffin, you realize that it’s your own funeral. Your friends and family will be giving eulogies. What will they say? Did you live a life that you could be proud of? What kind of father and friend were you?
The book also speaks of an emotional bank account and how when you do good things for others you are making deposits in the emotional bank accounts of others. As these deposits grow, your relationships grow. There may be times that you make a withdrawal, like a broken promise or a hurtful statement, but if your emotional bank account is full from past deposits, you will be forgiven. This concept has helped me repair my personal relationships and has changed the way I treat others. I firmly believes that educating our youth and serving as a role model gives them an understanding of this principal.
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