Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rocco Basile Report: Trends in Education for 2010

Technology is truely evolving at the speed of light, so here is a list of trends that will influence education in the new year:

Check out eBooks -- the latest in reading, eBooks will proliferate, although they will not replace traditional textbooks anytime real soon. But the consulting firm - Frost & Sullivan in Atlanta - say the devices will gain traction in the K-12 arena in the year 2010

Netbooks and their functionality will grow in 2010 -- These are expected to become even more popular sd they become affordable, with prices of $200 - $300. Small, computers like this are helping bridge the technology between schools where students don't have access to computers.

Interactive Whiteboards -- These are large display systems allowing teachers and students to work together and they are gaining ground in the K-12 schools. The tools have been around for a quite some time, but the educational arena wasn't ready to use them ten years ago. Now they are.

-- Rocco Basile

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