Monday, April 27, 2009

Have you heard About the Developmentally Appropriate Practice Video?

I just discovered the National Association for the Education of Young Children, a group that has been a leading voice in defining, disseminating, and recognizing the best practices in the care and education of children. iot deals with kids that are up to age 8. As you kbnow I review all the latest informaiton on the education of children and put muh of this reearc on my website

The NAEYC recently released the third edition of its principles and guidelines for teachers and others in the field of early childhood education in 2009. It describes the “Developmentally Appropriate Practice” — that is, teaching practices that ensure that young children learn and develop to their fullest potential.

To listen to the video, click the link below.

In addition, you may want to review Young Children, an award winning peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly by the NAEYC. The magazine's issues are organized around topical clusters that devote attention to issues in the field of early childhood education. The practitioner-based nature of Young Children makes it unique among journals and its award winning status testifies to the publication's excellence.

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