The future of America's education system, for example, according to futurist James Canton, is that "the quality of public education, in crisis today, will either propel or crash the future aspirations of the American workforce." And with that he mentions that America's workforce needs a transformation as well, to accomodate a more competitive and global group of people with higher education in science, as well as the innovation skills necessary to ensure a prosperous future. He also predicts that education is failing to prepare skilled, high-tech-savvy workers.

Did you know that foreign students are awarded the majority of U.S. scientific PH.D. degrees? No matter how many motivational sayings we all read about, or hear from todays new politicians, the reality check is that without education, our country might just be doomed because our country will not be competitive.
There is also a rise in the hispanic population in this country. Many of the kids in Brooklyn, New York, for instance, come from hispanic families, many of whom cannot afford help when their kids are not doing well at school. This is why I love the work I have been doing with Children of the City, and the Joe DiMaggio Committee for my Alma Mater, Xaverian High School. Their educational programs are fantastic, and helping kids daily.
As a father, it is really important that my kids grow up to be educated, inspired and competitive so they can be future-ready and survive. In fact, Canton even has a page in his book that says this:
HEADLINE FROM THE FUTURE: 2012. U.S. High Schools rated Best in World at Teaching Science.
And he also predicts that communications and the Internet will be available to all nations and people by the year 2040. And that the creation of immediate, portable, transferable, in-demand knowledge sources on a scale equivalnet to the Library of Congress. It is number eight among the top ten trends of the new innovation economy of the future.
In fact, I even created a new website to promote the importance of education and my charity work -- check out